Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4th of July

For the 4th my parents come down to visit. We had a nice BBQ with steaks and corn on the cob. Brett had to eat hot dogs, because of his braces hurting his teeth (sorry). We went to the park to partake in the activities. Pretty much the food. As you can see this was how much fun Hunter had. What a ruff life.

Yes Hunter loves to sleep. He spends alot of time sleeping. Yes he is a thumb sucker. I was really angry at first, then a friend told me that was good right now. She called him a self soother. When you have 2 out of control kids if he can soothe himself it is ok for now.
Halie was being a brat and this was the best picture I could get of her all day.

My mom and Hunter

While we were at the park they had a little train ride. Halie kept saying he wanted to ride on it. I told my dad she says she wants to, but when it comes down to it she will be a chicken to ride alone. My dad took her anyway (my dad has a really hard time saying no to her). She actually rode by herself and loved it. I was so proud of her.


Deby said...

Your kids are growing so fast. Hunter is so cute! He looks so big. Halie is so cute. I bet Jim would have rode that train with her if necessary. I'm glad you all had a fun 4th. It will be fun to see the kids when we are down in a few weeks. I say let him suck the thumb! for now. Everybody needs a comfort and that is his for now. Love ya lots DEBY

Kurt and Tara Heath said...

SOOOO CUTE!!! I want to see them!! We are trying to figure a time that we can get down there!! Miss ya!