Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Halie got a cupcake maker for her birthday this year and we never have used it. The other day she was hiding in my closet and came out with the cupcake maker and wanted to play. We made a cupcake and doesn't it look appealing? I remember when I had an Easy Bake Oven. I thought the food was so good. Well now looking back it was probably pretty gross. We followed the directions, but it didn't taste very good.

Halie sure liked it. When she was done she wanted to make another for me. I said lets make one for daddy instead.

1 comment:


Looks like a pretty good cupcake to me.. Talia has an easy bake oven and YES the food is gross! I think it is a waist I tried to talk her out of it and told her we could just make "real" cakes and stuff but OH NO she had to have that oven so santa brought her one that she has only used 2x lol..